Euro Quiz

Answers, Prizes and Winners

The Euro Quiz is a three-part series of questions concerning EU myths, facts and clichés circulated by the media. The quiz was initiated by Austrian Information and came to an end together with Austria’s EU Presidency on June 30, 2006. A major source of the questions selected for this quiz was provided by the ‘Future of Europe’ website, a platform for exchanging ideas about Europe, especially designed for Austria’s 2006 Presidency.

In order to counter some of the misperceptions permeating stories about the future of Europe, the European Commission created a website to separate fact from fiction and reassure citizens that the European Union is not a creation of mad ‘Eurocrats.’ A detailed explanation of EU directives can be found at:


Correct Answers to Quiz I: Euromyths vs. Eurotruths 


1. You are having breakfast. Suddenly you hear breaking glass and a football comes flying towards you. The boy who shows up at your door claims he cannot be punished because his father works for the EU in Brussels.

c.) The boy is very much mistaken. He has no choice but to offer compensation for the damage.

2. “Will you pass me the ‘Marmelade’ (marmalade) please,” you innocently said during breakfast today, for which you were immediately rebuked. In the EU you have to call it ‘Confitüre’ (jam)!

c.) This is not correct– “Marmelade” is still used.

3. It is Saturday morning. You are proudly mowing your lawn with the new super lawn mower 700 Eurostar. Your neighbor waves you over to the fence, gesticulating wildly. He wants to know whether the noise of the lawn mower conforms to EU guidelines. Is there such a guideline or is your neighbor mistaken?

a.) Yes, the guideline exists.

4. Christmas is around the corner. You are strolling along the street enjoying the window displays. To your surprise you find a Mrs. Claus costume right next to a Santa Claus costume. A sign in the shop window explains that this costume is offered in accordance with the EU’s equal opportunities policy.

b.) This must be a Christmas carol! Even for the otherwise strict EU Commission, the equality of rights does stop with Santa Claus.

5. Cheese tasting at the nearby grocery. You would like to know whether the Tyrolean mountain cheese is really made in Tyrol. The grocer answers truthfully:

a.) Certainly! Tyrolean mountain cheese must only be made in Tyrol. After all, this is a protected regional speciality.



Correct Answers to Quiz II: Eurofacts vs. Fiction


1. What is the Lisbon Strategy?

a.) An action plan by the European Union aimed at boosting economic growth and purchasing power by 2010.


2. The EU anthem is being played. Men and women from all over Europe sing out loud the ‘Ode to Joy.’

a.) This is nonsense. While it is true that the anthem of the EU is the ‘Ode to Joy,’ it has no lyrics!

3. Your girlfriend is a history freak. And now she wants to take you to the site where Austria signed the EU Treaty of Accession. Where does she want to go? And when do you think Austria signed this treaty?

b.) She can only be talking about Vienna in the year 1994. The treaty of an accession country always needs to be signed in their capital.

4. Your spouse has booked a holiday for both of you. Now you have to guess the destination. You are given only one clue: It is the only divided country within the EU. Where will you spend your holidays?

b.) In Cyprus! Be careful when ordering Greek or Turkish coffee.

5. Discussing the terms of office of politicians, you all agree that the Austrian Federal President is elected for a six-year term. But for how long does Austria hold the EU Presidency?

b.) For six months after which Finland will take over.



Correct Answers to Quiz III : Eurocliches


1. Many Europeans share the dream of creating a perfect Euroland. Which of the following might be considered the Euroland of dreams?

c.) The policemen are English, the cooks are French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian, and the whole is organized by the Swiss.


2. Which of the following might be considered the Euroland of nightmare?

a.) The leaders are English, the interpreters are French, the police are German, the lovers are Swiss, and everything is organized by the Italian.

3. Throughout the centuries, European nations have made their mark on history, staking claims and solving problems in one manner or fashion. Historical accounts remind us of one EU nation’s approach to the issue of war and peace. Which country was this?
“Let other nations wage war, while you, blissful ………… marry.”

b.) Austria

4. Today globalization has not only leveled but changed former cultural habits. Which country does the following statement apply to? Their industry has long benefited from an international reputation for efficiency from hard workers, even though their working day is now shorter than most other world economic players and their holidays longer.

b.) Germany

5. A new phantom is haunting Europe. He’s called the Polish plumber. He’s not necessarily Polish, and he isn’t even necessarily a plumber. He’s a new phenomenon, symbolizing the 21st century. What is one referring to:

c) Globalization


1st Prize:
Eveline Raab

2nd Prize:
Jonathan Spira

3rd Prize:
Evan Kluesner

The Awards

The winners of the quiz will receive gifts produced by the Austrian Mint and made available by Euro Collections International Inc. of Victoria, B.C., Canada. We would like to thank Kirsten Petersen, Director of International Markets, for providing us with the awards in the form of three coins:

1st Prize: Fifty-Euro Mozart Gold Coin
Kirsten Peterson

A rare collector’s item, it was issued in February, is struck in .986 pure gold and has a maximum worldwide mintage of only 50,000 pieces. The coin contains ten grams of fine gold and has a diameter of twenty-two millimeters. The coin is encapsulated and comes in an attractive case with a numbered certificate of authenticity.

2nd Prize: Twenty-Five Euro Bi-metallic Silver and Niobium Coin - Satellite Navigation
3rdprzeNiobium Sat.jpg
Kirsten Peterson

This coin was issued in March and is the fourth coin of the highly sought after bi-metallic and niobium coin series. The coin is struck with a 900 fine silver outer ring and a niobium core consisting of 7.15 grams of pure niobium, which has taken on a golden brown color. It has a maximum mintage of 65,000 pieces and is of special uncirculated quality only.

3rd Prize: Five-Euro Austrian EU Presidency Silver Coin
3rdprzeNiobium Sat.jpg
Kirsten Peterson

Issued in January, the coin contains eight grams of fine silver and a fineness of 800. The special uncirculated coin has an availability of 100,000 pieces. It is nine-sided and depicts the coats-of-arms of the nine Austrian provinces. The reverse side shows a section of the Vienna Hofburg, the former Imperial Palace. In a semi-circle around the outer left half are the words, “Austrian Presidency of the EU.”

Hannes Richter