Farewell Andrea Schrammel
In the second week of July, we had to say goodbye to our dear friend and colleague Andrea Schrammel. After four exciting and successful years, Andrea Schrammel, Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Washington, D.C. returned to Vienna. On her last day, the Embassy hosted a cheese and wine reception giving everybody the opportunity to properly say Goodbye.
Mrs. Schrammel also left a note for friends and supporters of the Austrian Cultural Forum:
"Dear Friends of the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington,
Four years (August 2008 – July 2012) have passed far too quickly. However, my time to say goodbye has come and I am leaving with very mixed emotions – both some sadness and also with great happiness about the four years I have spent here.
I feel privileged to have worked for two outstanding ambassadors, Ambassador Christian Prosl and Ambassador Hans Peter Manz, and for the wonderfully curious and sympathetic audiences of the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington. So, it is also time to say thank you. I am deeply grateful for my stay in Washington, DC – for all the projects I was able to realize running the Cultural Department of the Austrian Embassy Washington and for the fulfilling private life I was fortunate to lead.
The programming through the end of 2012 is done. We will have another exciting season starting with a comedy performance on August 16, a lecture on Arthur Schnitzler in September, a book presentation by Cecelia Porter and an Embassy Series concert with the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra in October, and two jazz concerts in November. So stay tuned everyone, and visit our upcoming cultural programs and events website.
I hope and expect that my successor - the new Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington - will find many friendly and helpful people and many new friends here, as I did soon after my arrival in Washington DC.
Thank you very much for your support over the past four years and best wishes,
Andrea Schrammel
Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington"