The Art of Charlotte Simon & Daniela Maria Span @ St. Claude Gallery in New Orleans, October 23

When: October 12, 6 – 8 pm,  
UNO Fine Arts Gallery, St. Claude Ave., New Orleans

The opening reception for the UNO Fine Arts and Center Austria Artist Exchange 2013 will take place on October 12, 2013. Featuring works by Austrian artists Daniela Maria Span and Charlotte Simon, the exhibition will be showcased until November 2, 2013 at the UNO St. Claude Gallery in New Orleans. For over 10 years, the University of New Orleans and the City of Innsbruck have held an annual artist exchange. Every summer a few graduating students of the UNO Masters Program in Fine Arts  are chosen to put together an exhibit in old-town Innsbruck, and every academic year, some Austrian artists mount a show at the UNO Fine Arts Gallery. This year, the Austrian artists Daniela Maria Span and Charlotte’s work will focus on the concept of osmosis - the unremitting physiological process of transformation in the human body.

The gallery is located at 2429 St. Claude Ave., New Orleans and opens its doors Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM and by appointment.


Hannes Richter